The postnatal ward is located within the maternity unit (2 beds) and provides comfortable, single room accommodation with ensuite. Single room accommodation is also available within the acute ward in close proximity to the maternity unit.
Midwives and visiting medical staff are available 24 hours. The Postnatal ward is close to the birthing suite. This environment helps with the transition to parenthood.
Post Natal Care and Support
During your stay at Colac Area Health Maternity, our dedicated team of midwives will support you in your learning journey.
We will help you to develop skills in caring for your newborn baby and transition into your new parenting role. After the birth of your baby, you will ‘room-in’ with your baby 24 hours a day.
The length of time you spend in hospital following the birth of your baby depends on a number of factors including:
- the type of birth
- your post birth recovery
- the general health of you and your baby.
If you have an uncomplicated vaginal birth, your stay will be up to two nights. Women who have had a caesarean birth generally stay between three and four nights. These are average length of stays. You also have the option of going home earlier.
If you require extended postnatal care as an inpatient, your length of stay will be determined according to you and your baby’s clinical needs for care.
Taking your Baby Home
- Discharge time is 10.00 am
- Ensure that an approved infant restraint has been correctly fitted to your car
- Arrange for your partner/support people to be at the hospital at 9 am ready for discharge at 10.00 am
- Once you leave hospital, there are a number of support services available to help you and your baby settle into a routine at home.
Midwifery Outreach Program (MOP)
This program provides ongoing support in your home post discharge from hospital. All women are offered two MOP home visits routinely but may have more if required.
General Practitioners
You are advised to see your local GP about 6-8 weeks after birth for a postnatal check. This is an opportunity to have your baby checked and for you to discuss your physical, emotional and social wellbeing. Your midwife will arrange this follow-up appointment with your GP as part of your discharge planning.
Other Services
Raphael Centre, Colac
The St John of God Raphael Centre offers specialist counselling, support and information for parents. They can help if you are suffering from:
• Anxiety, depression or stress
• Difficulties in adjustment to parenthood during pregnancy or in the two years following the birth of your baby.
• Contact your GP for a referral.
Raphael Centre phone number is 03 5221 7333
Community Development
The maternity unit fosters an involvement with the community and community agencies. These include:
- Bubs in the Hub
- Community Health Nurse