The new role, accessed by phoning Colac Area Health’s 1800-support line, will assess a caller’s needs, linking them with the care services and supports that they require.
Colac Area Health Chief Executive Fiona Brew said individuals and families will be supported by the wellbeing and support officer to access local mental health services, GPs, translators, family violence supports, food relief, council services and more.
“As a trusted health service in our community, we have established this role to expand on the great work of local businesses and agencies by providing a centralised service that connects locals with the supports they need, when they need them,” she said.
“The impact of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing, the economy and social environments will be long–lasting so early detection of support needs and accessibility to services is a priority.”
To access the wellbeing and support officer, phone the Colac Area Health support line on 1800 512 424, Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.
If you have questions about COVID-19 symptoms or precautions, please visit the DHHS website for the most up-to-date information