Our Intake Team helps to link you in to our services. Our team aims to ensure that referrals are directed quickly and to the most appropriate service to support your needs. Intake is a free service available to all members of the community.
What we do
Intake is the single point of entry for the following programs at Colac Area Health:
- Speech Pathology
- Podiatry
- Occupational Therapy
- Physiotherapy
- Health Coaching
- Exercise Physiology
- Social Work
- Diabetes Education
- Dietetics Nutrition
- Hospital Admission Risk Program (HARP)
- Continence
- Miller House Social Group
- Pharmacy Outreach Program
- Smoking Cessation
- Falls Prevention Program
- Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program
- Parkinsons/Neuro Program
- Community Rehabilitation Centre