Colac (03) 5232 5100
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Dental Clinic

The Colac Area Health Dental Clinic’s key focus is to improve the dental health of the community. Good oral health contributes to one’s overall health and wellbeing.

What we do

Staff are professionally trained and registered. Dental treatments include:

  • Regular examinations
  • Xrays
  • Scale and clean
  • Extractions and fillings
  • Dentures and more

We also visit kindergartens and primary schools (Prep & Grade 1) to educate children about oral care.

Who we care for

  • Adults over the age of 18 who have a Health Care or Pension Concession Card
  • Children up to the age of 13 without a Health Care or Pension Concession Card.
  • Children aged 13-18 years. They must hold a current Health Care or Pension Concession Card or be eligible under the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Scheme.

You may receive priority care if you are:

  • Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
  • Pregnant
  • Homeless
  • Intellectually disabled or
  • Have a mental health case worker

Ask our friendly staff if you are unsure about eligibility.

What you need to know about Waiting Lists/Costs

  • Emergency Care /Children: Flat fee of $31.50 per course of care
  • General Care: Fee of $31.50 per visit per course of care, to a maximum fee of $126.00 per course of care
  • Denture Care $76.00 per denture, capped at $152.00 for a full upper and lower denture

To be placed on the waiting list call Main Reception on 03 5232 5100.

Emergency services are available to those patients experiencing pain.

Please bring a list of medications along to your first visit.




Community Dental Clinic
03 5232 5100



Monday to Friday
9.00 am to 4.00 pm 


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