What we do
The Horizon Specialist Family Violence Program offers case management support to women and children experiencing family violence. This support may include assessing the level of risk and developing a safety plan.
The Family Violence Case Management Program provides:
- Risk assessment and management
- Outreach support
- Support to obtain crisis accommodation or refuge
- Support and advocacy with your current housing provider to stabilise your tenancy (including support to make your home safe)
- Help to access other appropriate services that you identify support services
- Advocacy and liaison with government departments
- Information and referrals to other support services including counselling
- Liaison with other services involved with a client or her children
- Court support in relation to family violence matters
- Support to work towards goals to live a life free from violence
How can you access the services?
Women and their children can be referred to the Specialist Family Violence Program by external services including The Orange Door on 1800 312 820.
Women can also contact the service directly by contacting CAH Community Reception on (03) 5232 5100 and request to speak to a Horizon Family Violence Case Manager.
Options for immediate help:
If you are in danger, call 000.
Safe Steps is a 24/7 crisis phone line who can assist you find safety from family violence: 1800 015 188
Sexual Assault Crisis Line 24/7: 1800 806 292
1800 RESPECT is a free 24/7 family violence counselling and support service: 1800 737 732