Colac Area Health has provided financial counselling to its local community for 35 years and employ highly experienced staff. Financial Counselling in a specialist para legal service.
What we do
Financial Counselling provides:
- Advice and assists with problems related to debt and debt enforcement
- Advocates and negotiates with banks and other lenders
- Assists with concessions, grant eligibility and application as well as referral for material aid
- Assists with lodging complaints to external dispute resolution services
- Refer to other community health and legal services
- Provide information about consumer rights.
Who we care for
Any person experiencing financial difficulty, particularly those who are considered low income, are prioritized
Commonly asked questions
Is it free?
Yes there are no fees for this service.
Is it confidential?
Yes your rights as a consumer are explained on the first visit and an agreement to release appropriate information is agreed on and signed.
How can you help me?
- Provide information relevant to the client’s situation. We provide options that may assist and take action to remedy the financial problem.
- Help work out payment plans.
- Work out if eligible for government assistance.
- Assist with bankruptcies.
What to bring
It’s important to bring all relevant documents relating to the reason you are attending.
How to access the service
Self-referrals from other workers, other agencies, and court are just a few of the referrals accepted.
Call Main Reception on 5232 5100 for an appointment.