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Birregurra Community Health Centre

The Birregurra Community Health Centre plays an integral role in meeting community wellbeing needs. As a site of Colac Area Health its focus is the health and well-being of our community through organised groups and activities and to build social connectedness.

Numerous groups and classes run weekly which include yoga, tai chi, meditation/mindfulness, craft groups, strength training, and community meals supported by local volunteers. A gold coin donation provides accessible supports for children, Health Care and Pension Card holders. There is a well-established school holiday program and a very popular 24 hour gym with concession memberships available.

Space is also provided to support a medical centre and a range of private services such as podiatry, physiotherapy, and psychology.

An information hub, library, Gro Cart to share produce, service information and referral support is available through the helpful staff. Many opportunities exist for volunteering with a local advisory group reflecting the emerging and diverse needs of our community. Clinical space is available for rent as well as rooms for community groups, and facilities for photocopying.

To view current activities visit the Birregurra Community Health Centre Facebook page here.

In an Emergency call 000


  • General Practice: 03 5236 2000
  • After Hours (Winchelsea Hospital): 03 5267 1200
  • Nurse on Call: 1300 60 60 24
  • Health Centre Co-Ordinator: 03 5236 4009



Birregurra Community Health Centre
03 5236 2000



Monday to Friday
8.30 am to 5.00 pm


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