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Community Advisory Committee

Colac Area Health is committed to consumer participation in delivery of its health services. This includes planning, delivery and evaluation of those services. The Community Advisory Committee provides input into policies, programs and services. It seeks to ensure consumers will not be adversely affected. The committee also includes representatives from other services who advocate for their consumers. Therefore committee members represent a broad cross-section of the community.  

Margot Fitzpatrick - Chair Person

Margot Fitzpatrick

I have had a long career in community and organisation development, including the creation of Colac Area health in 1995 and employment with the Victorian Council on the Ageing, particularly policy development and research. I have had periods of employment in both state and federal public services and volunteered in China and Timor Leste. Prior to retirement I was the Coordinator of Birregurra Community Health Centre.

I have three adult children and three grandchildren. I volunteer at CAH including visiting, driving, CAC and palliative care. I think I gain more than I give by way of friendship, feeling useful and personal fulfilment. My hobbies include woodwork, pottery, reading and gardening.

Rosemary Richardson - Vice Chair

As a Maternal & Child Health Nurse, I spent many years working within our community and came to know a lot of people from a wide range of areas. When I retired, I joined the Consumer Advisory Committee as I believe this committee is the one that liaises most closely with the people who use the service.

The Community Advisory Committee assists in building stronger relationships between Colac Area Health and the general community. It offers an opportunity for information to be shared in two directions.  I also hope to increase awareness of what services are provided by Colac Area Health and help advocate for the services that are most needed by our community.

Maree East - Junior Vice Chair

Having been employed in community focused roles I am committed to making a difference in our region. Volunteering at Colac Area Health is a role I am committed to and support the wonderful work that the service delivers to ensure the best health outcomes for everyone. 

It is a privilege to have the opportunity to use my skills and experience to work with the team on the CAC delivering projects that complement the strategic plan and objectives of CAH.

I am very supportive of local initiatives that assist the health and wellbeing of our community especially when these initiatives promote joy and inclusion.

Jacqui Campbell

I have had an interest in the Colac community through my employment in Aged Care with the Colac Otway Shire and on retirement have joined U3A (University of the Third Age) where I was on the Committee for 5 years. The Members views and opinions have been a good indication of the community. Fundraising through social clubs is enlightening to the views of some public figures. I find volunteering has meant you can have an ear to the ground and perhaps this can lead to advice or changes in the CAH Advisory Committee.

Joseph Muvengi

I am a proud father to Farai, Lorraine, Faith and Tafadzwa. Having been in Australia for over 15 years I am very grateful of the community. The kindness and unity of purpose displayed by members of the community has motivated me to volunteer my time in order to support important causes and create social impact by giving back to our beautiful Colac. Together with my lovely wife Prue we are the proud owners of Treasure Hunters Colac.

Virginia Hanlon

I have the privilege and honour to be a member of CAH community advisory committee. My interests in the community include always helping others and to give unconditional genuine service. I joined the committee to be able to connect with the community. I understand different cultural backgrounds and support their needs and strengths. I want to help people in need and support their goals in health care. I enjoy being able to report back to CAH through the CAC and encourage quality improvements. I want to continue to listen to the community and most importantly make a difference in people’s lives. The values of CAH play a very important role in the service we deliver, and I strongly resonate with them.

Dr Simon Oldfield AO - Chair Birregurra Community Health Centre Advisory Committee

I moved to Birregurra after retiring in 2015. Prior to that I was Chief of Land Division
in the Defence Science and Technology Organisation. I was made an Officer of the Order of Australia in 2016 for my work in that role.

Since arriving in Birregurra, I took on the role of Chair of the Birregurra Community
Health Centre Advisory Commitee. I still holds that position and currently represent
BCHCAC on the CAH CAC. I am an active Birregurra Community member where I pursue my interests in music, horse riding, tennis and supporting the Geelong Football Club.

Michael Allison

Like many in our community, I’m a consumer of the services of CAH. After a serious incident at home, I required immediate surgery here before being transported to the Alfred Hospital for 10 days in the Major Trauma Unit. Consequently, I know something of the difficulties facing country people receiving first class acute medical services.

I moved to Elliminyt in 2009 after early retirement. Subsequently, I joined U3A Colac Otway and served on the committee of management for 10 years including 4 years as President and 4 years as Vice President. I’m also a member of St Mary’s Parish. My hobbies include gardening, Australian history, Trivial Pursuit and the outback.

In 2023, I joined the CAH Community Advisory Committee. I value this opportunity to give something back to this community that has welcomed me here and looked after me. I hope to bring my own experience and knowledge of life, clear thinking and empathy for those who live and work here.

Jennie Darcy

In 2020, I was awarded Colac Otway Shire Citizen of the Year, completing more than 50 years of Volunteer Service in many capacities to the community. 

Major involvement with Southwest Do Care Inc as visitor, committee member, then as Chair of the Governance Board for 6 years. This enabled an understanding of the services needed and available to this large section of citizens. Always receptive with a listening ear to concerns or accolades leading to continual improvement.

My background as a co-director in management and administration of a large family agricultural enterprise enables me to work co-operatively with colleagues to secure and enhance that trust the community has for Colac Area Health.

An affinity with CAH stems from my training 1967-1970 as a Registered Nurse. In retirement the time available now can be directed to utilising the skills necessary in this voluntary role.

I have lived in this community most of my life thoroughly enjoying the lifestyle and interaction of a caring environment. Having raised three children here, I now have seven grandchildren. I feel my community commitment has come full circle in this role.